Ph.D. Students
Masters Thesis Students
Alumni (In lexical order of the last name)
- Soumia Boucheroutie from Mohammed VI Polytechnic University (UM6P), May 2022 – Present (jointly supervising with Prof. El Houcine Bergou, UM6P)
- Mostapha Essoullami from Mohammed VI Polytechnic University (UM6P), October 2022 – Present (jointly supervising with Prof. El Houcine Bergou, UM6P).
Masters Thesis Students
- Jacob Nielsen (Co advising with Prof. Srijan Das, working on Object detection and tracking using aerial imagery), February 2022--Present
- Thomas Lindal Winther, February 2022--Present
- Andreas Thrane Bruun and Oskar Lenler Enkegaard, November 2022 -- Present
Alumni (In lexical order of the last name)
- Heini Bærensten (Working on weakly-supervised action segmentation), June 2022.
- Sammy Christensen (In collaboration with Radiobotics), June 2022.
- Simon Linnert Fuglebæk (In collaboration with Radiobotics), June 2022.
- Jakob Fonnesbech Johnsen, (jointly supervised with Prof. Stefan Jänicke, SDU), September 2022.
- Kirsten Højgaard Lange Timm, (jointly supervised with Prof. Stefan Jänicke, SDU), January 2023.